Sunday, 1 March 2009

Lotus Seeds & Cod Porridge

Cooking and making sure that our kids have the best nutrition of all is always the tougher job for a mum. Although I love to cook and bake but then my son was rather a picky eater when it comes to food. He won't eat rice that is too soft or too dry. He wants his porridge to be cooked in certain standard.... As far as I know I didn't impose all these eating habits to him but I don't know why he is so particular when it comes to food so with his problem it's always hard for us to feed him with stall food. So whenever I can, I will cook porridge for him because it is the best and easier way to incorporate more items in it so as to get all the nutrition in one pot.

Today's dinner will be Lotus Seeds & Cod Porridge, in order to make the porridge come with a nature, fragrant and sweet taste I added some sweet corn, carrot slices, wolfberries and lastly some Chinese barley. As you know Lotus Seeds strengthen the Heart, Liver, Spleen and Kidneys and also energize the Qi and promote blood cell formation. So sometime is good to add it into porridge or soup to promote good health. And I always cook something like this in two person portion so that both my dear son and I will get to enjoy the same food.........and this is one of Reyon's favourite Porridge dish. Posted by Picasa

Ingredients: (serves 2)
1/2 Cup Uncooked Rice
120g Cod Fish Fillet, cut into thick slices
1/4 Section of Sweet Corn, cut into halves
6 - 8 Slices of Carrot, cut into 0.5cm thick
1/2 Tablespoon of Wolfberries
8 Dried Lotus Seed, pre-soaked in hot water
2 Tablespoons of Chinese Barley

1. Wash the rice and add enough water for making porridge then bring it to boil.
2. Add in the sweet corn, carrot, lotus seeds and barley; simmer over low heat till the rice grain is soft.
3. When the porridge is almost done, remove the barley bag and add in the cod fish slices and wolfberries.
4. Let it simmer for about 5 minutes, switch off the heat, covered and let the porridge rest for about 10 - 15 minutes before serving. (this will allow the grain to slowly absorb the fish flavour and as well expand into much softer texture, but if you prefer whole grain porridge you can serve it immediately)

1. As you can see I place the Chinese Barley inside a disposal tea-bag before putting it into the pot to cook with the rest of the ingredients so that the cooked barley will not be mixed into the porridge.(for this case, i just want the barley to make the porridge more fragrant)
2. Rinse and soak the dried lotus seeds with HOT water till soft. (DO NOT use tap water to rinse first or else it won't be soft easily)

Related Post:
1. Cod & Wolfberries Porridge


  1. Wow, your porridge looks so good !!! Thanks for sharing this recipe !! I was just about running out of ideas what to cook with porridge !

    I bloghopped from alice's blog. so glad I found your blog !! another bento-er!!

  2. Hi allthingspurple,

    Thanks for dropping by my humble blog. I saw your blog from Amy's blog too... and i love all your bentos :) They are so lovely!!!


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