Thursday, 15 March 2012

Caramel Chicken with Potato

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This Caramel Chicken with Potato dish is one of our family all-time favourite. It was infused with sweet and savory taste from the sauce and it's definitely perfect for a one dish meal. I was first introduce to this dish by one of my neighbour, Tarron during my stay in Brisbane many years back.

Instead of using sugar which is normal called in most Caramel Chicken recipe, here we are using Sweet Soy Sauce which is also known as "Kecap Manis" to sweeten the dish as well as giving it an unique fragrant and taste.


Although this dish might not look good as it is due to it's colour but I can assured you that you would love it's delicious sauce and taste which makes you having at least 2 bowl of rice to go with this dish.

(Serves: 4 | Preparation: 10 minutes | Cooking: 20 minutes)

1/2 Portion of Chicken(600g), cut into bite size pieces
1.5 Tablespoons Sesame/Cooking Oil
2 Medium Potato, peeled and cut into thick strips
2 Stalks of Spring Onion, cut into sections
1 Medium Red Onion, thinly sliced
4 Slices Ginger, thinly sliced
2 Garlic Cloves, lightly pound
2-3 Dried Chilli, optional
1 - 1.5 Tablespoon Sweet Soy Sauce(Kecap Manis)
1 Tablespoon Light Soy Sauce
Steamed Rice, to serve

1. Trim and clean the chicken, pat dry and marinated it with 1 teaspoon of cornflour, light and dark soy sauce, ground pepper for at least 15 minutes before cooking time.

2. Lightly coat the potato strips with some cornflour and fry it with 1 teaspoon of oil till slightly golden brown, remove and set aside.

3. Heat up 1.5 tablespoons of sesame oil over medium low heat, saute ginger, garlic, onion, spring onion and dried chilli(soak in hot water to soften, remove seeds before use) till fragrant.

4. Add in chicken pieces and stir-fry until slightly golden in colour, stir in sweet and light soy sauce, return potatoes into pan, covered and cook for about 8 minutes with Happy Call Pan(pan locked) or until chicken is cooked through.

5. Check the taste and add extra sweet/light soy sauce according to your preference. Cook, stirring, for another 1 minute or until sauce thickens. Serve with steamed rice.
~ You can use 4 chicken Maryland/breast meat for this recipe instead of 1/2 portion of chicken.

~ If you don't have dried chilli, you can replace it with red capsicum or red chilli.

Other than this Caramel Chicken dish, I have another similar dish using Sweet Soy Sauce(Kecap Manis) which is known as "Kaffir Lime Leave Chicken". You can read more about this post and it's recipe HERE.


  1. That's a quick one pot meal! I cam almost taste the deliciousness.

  2. hi, this dish looks delicious! do u mix in the potatoes again after the chicken is cooked?

    1. Oppps that for mentioning, I think i miss out the potato steps :) Will add it in now.

  3. May I know where can I buy the happycall pan from.


    1. Hi Serene, You can purchase HCP from either online over at Gmarket or thru phone at Lejel( :)

  4. It's random but I have this sweet kecap in my fridge (among all Japnanese/Chinese condiments). This looks so good and 2 bowls of rice is NOT enough Ellena! Also, I love that potatoes are in here.. So many Chinese dishes don't have my favorite potatoes and my husband doesn't like potato much either! Loving the recipe!

  5. Hi Elena

    May I know what brand of the Kecap Manis do you use?

    1. Hi Caroline, there are a few brands of Kecap Manis out in the supermarkets. You can just grab any one of it. Currently I am using the "Tiger" brand de.

  6. This looks extremely tasty, I find chicken and potato often compliment each other.

  7. I am cooking this dish for dinner tonight! ;) Thanks for the so-informative posts! Love reading your blog.

  8. had friends over for dinner yesterday and I tried this out! Super delish and it goes so well with rice! Thanks for the recipe! :)


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